
About Pangia

Pangia will provide a repository and discovery environment focused on the loss of our human and natural heritage resulting from the climate crisis. Currently in an exploratory phase of development, Pangia will initially focus on the following aspects of climate change: essential scientific data, anticipated cultural impacts, and expected social impacts that result from climate-related relocation or migration. When viewed through the lens of Pangia, all entries will appear with the global whole, providing an unprecedented ecosystem for research, teaching, discovery, and the enrichment of human capacity.

The Name

Pangia is a play on the geological term Pangaea, an ancient supercontinent that included all present-day continents in a single landmass. The i in Pangia stands for information and signifies its capacity to reconnect our world digitally—of being able to walk from one end of the earth to the other, metaphorically, without impedance.

How Pangia is Different

Pangia will offer an integrated, open, and trusted database for information that is built to be more current, collaborative, and comprehensive than the current data environment. It will: